Judy Chicago Rainbow AR
Privacy Policy
In the following, we will inform you about how your personal data is processed when you install and use the mobile application Judy Chicago Rainbow AR ("App").
The App is provided to you by LightArtSpache gGmbH, Ohmstraße 16, 80802 Munich ("LAS").
1. Installation of the App
The App is available through the app stores Apple iTunes and Google Play operated by Apple Inc. and Google Ireland Limited. The installation of the App requires your prior registration with the app store and install of the app store software. LAS does not receive any personal data about you and has no control over the processing of your personal data in connection with the registration and installation of the app store software and the download of the app from the App Store. Only the App Store operator is responsible for the processing of your personal data in accordance with the applicable data protection laws. For more information about how the app store operator processes your personal data and your data subject rights, please refer to the privacy policy of the respective app store operator.
LAS only receives anonymised user data on how many users have downloaded the App, which does not allow for the identification of individual users.
2. Use of the App
To use the App, you need to activate the camera in your mobile device. Permission to use the mobile device's camera is only granted while using the App and with the user's consent. No personal data is collected and processed by LAS while using the App. The App can also be used in offline mode.
For further information, please use the contact details provided in our imprint.
Light Art Space gGmbH
Ohmstraße 13
80802 München
+49 (0)30 214 80 23 46
Dr. Bettina Kames
Registration Court
Amtsgericht Munich, Germany
Registration number: HRB 228800
Tax number: 143/237/50700 (Tax Office Munich)